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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Natural Remedies For Burns, Constipation and Anxiety

Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is good for sunburns and household burns. Aloe Vera gel soothes and cools the surface of the skin by calming the irritation and heat of the burn. Juice from an Aloe Vera plant possesses natural inflammation fighters known as salicylates. Once the pain and swelling of a burn reduce, the other ingredients in Aloe, like polysaccharides, provoke the body into producing antibodies which speed up the healing process. Studies done with Petri dishes show that fibroblasts (regenerating skin cells) reproduce up to 4 times faster when being treated with Aloe Vera.
To use Aloe Vera, rub into the skin on the affected areas, repeating every couple of hours until the heat and pain start to recede. Aloe Vera tends to dry the skin, so consider using a moisturizer after the Aloe Vera has done its job. When treating a burn, avoid Aloe Vera products that also have alcohol in the ingredients because they will further dry out the skin. The bright green Aloe Vera gels use artificial colors to achieve the green hue, so it’s best to avoid those and opt for the clear products.
Consider keeping an Aloe Vera plant in your kitchen. Cut parts of the plant from the oldest leaves on the bottom in order to avoid stunting the plants growth, and rub the juice from the plant on your burn.
Dr. Schulze’s Intestinal Formula #1
Dr. Schulze’s Intestinal Formula #1 is good for occasional constipation. This product contains 2 varieties of Aloe leaf extracts as its main ingredients, as well as two less-known bowel movement aids, senna leaf and cascara sagrada. Aloe has a long history as a laxative. Plant compounds in Aloe help to stimulate the inner lining of the colon, speeding up the process. Be cautious to follow directions when using this product as overdoing any laxative can lead to diarrhea and dehydration.  Also note that this product is not for daily use.
Aloe works, in this case, by causing slight irritation to the gut, which loosens any stuck material and encouraging the lower bowel to move. Thus, if you have an inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s, avoid Aloe products. Also make sure you are near a bathroom when using this product.
Rescue Remedy
The Rescue Remedy is good for anxiety, panic, and emotional upset. This remedy is a blend of five different flower essences, each of which counters a certain type of stress. Flower remedies are made mainly from wildflowers that are infused in water, then filtered and preserved with equal parts brandy. Many integrative physicians attest to the healing properties of flower remedies.
To combat everyday stresses, place four drops of the remedy on the tongue 3 or 4 times a day, or dilute the drops in a glass of water and sip during the day. To treat acute stress or anxiety, take 4 drops every 20 minutes until the anxiety passes. There are no side effects from using the flower essences.

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