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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Natural Remedies For Skin Irritation And Insomnia.

Calendula Cream
Calendula Cream is a great natural remedy for insect bites or stings, and skin irritation. Calendula is made from marigolds and has been a skin itch remedy for hundreds and hundreds of years, helping calm the effects of bee stings, eczema and sunburns. The plants skin relieving properties are due to its combination of essential oils, which have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial traits.
To use calendula cream, apply an ointment that contains two to five percent calendula up to 4 times per day on the affected area. Calendula may not be good for those who have ragweed allergies as calendula and ragweed are both members of the Aster (compositae) family. It’s suggested to apply a small amount and wait to see if any red or itchy bumps occur, which would indicate an allergy to calendula.
Valerian Capsules or Tincture
Valerian Capsules or Tincture are good for treating insomnia. Valerian goes back to the times of Ancient Greece, where it was commonly used as a sleep aid. Thus, it is one of the best-studied herbs for insomnia. Studies have shown that valerian decreases the time it takes to fall asleep without any of the common side effects of prescription sleep aids.
Valerian is a plant-based remedy suggesting that there are a combination of factors for how it works, but the exact way it works to help insomnia is still unclear. Studies done with animals suggest that valerians volatile oils possess sedative properties. Some other studies indicate that the herb tricks the brain into releasing additional gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is a calming neurotransmitter, before blocking it from being absorbed by nerve cells. Thus, the gamma-aminobutryic acid continues to circulate and promote sleep.
The potency of the valerian varies depending on the form, so it’s important to follow the instructions of the label for how much to use. The common therapeutic dose is 300 mg of standardized valerian extract. One option is to take three 100 mg capsules throughout an evening to gently ease your body into sleep. If you are using a tincture, which is a concentrated liquid form of the herb, dilute a droppers worth of valerian in a cup of water. Drink one dose after you’ve had dinner and another before bed. Some suggest keeping a valerian capsule bedside in case you tend to wake up in the middle of the night and are unable to fall back asleep.
It’s important to note that valerian can create a restlessness and/or anxiety in ten percent of people, so when trying it for the first time, take a small amount to see how its affects you and if you experience any restlessness or anxiety.

Cold And Flu Natural Remedies

When it comes to getting the flu, we tend to reach for over-the-counter drugs to combat the virus. There are homeopathic remedies and herbs out there that can be used as an alternative to over-the-counter drugs. The benefits of these remedies and herbs are plentiful, as they are natural and have few if any side effects.
Consider making over your bathrooms medicine cabinet with new remedies to combat the flu virus. While there are still instances that you’ll want to use conventional medicines, having the option will promote the notion of a natural method of healing as well as provide you with ample way to treat the flu virus.
Check out these items that may be worth incorporating into your medicine cabinet the next time the flu virus rolls around the schoolyard or work place:
Oscillococciunum is good for relieving flu symptoms. It is a homeopathic flu remedy that contains a highly diluted concentration of the flu virus, which triggers the body’s immune system to fight off the virus. Studies have shown that oscillococcinum both reduces the severity of flu symptoms as well as shortens their duration. Recent research published by the British Homeopathic Journal discovered that nearly 63% of people, who took oscillococcinum within 24 hours of the onset of the flu virus, had significant improvement or complete recovery within 48 hours.
The principles behind homeopathy are different than conventional medicine in that the belief is that like treats like. This remedy only contains an imprint of the flu virus, but it’s enough to get the body to get its immune system to work on fighting off the virus.
The earlier taken, the better when it comes to treating the flu virus with oscillococcinum. Taking oscillococcinum within 24 hours of experiencing flu related symptoms such as a fever, runny nose or body ache, will allow the oscillococcinum to work best. Always follow instructions on the label. Certain substances are known to weaken the strength of homeopathic remedies, such as chocolate, menthol, caffeine and mint. It’s important to avoid these substances when using oscillococcinum.
Andrographis Paniculata Tincture
Andrographis Paniculata Tincture is good for fighting off colds. Andrographis paniculata is an immune-enhancing herb common in traditional Chinese medicine that is a potent infection fighter. Studies using placebos alongside the andrographis paniculata showed that the andrographis paniculata repeatedly fought off the cold and flu symptoms. Andrographis paniculata, like every herb, has a lot of active constituents as well as powerful antimicrobial substances, which is why it has the curing effect that it does.
To use Andrographis paniculata, take a 400mg dose 3 times per day. If you feel like you are about to get a cold, use a tincture rather than a tablet or capsule. Tinctures are easily absorbed by the body and are thus able to get to work much faster.

How to Fight Chapped Lips: Natural Remedies to Stop the Burning and Pain

Chapped lips happen for many reasons including extreme exposure to the wind, sun and cold air, breathing with the mouth open, constant licking of lips, physical dehydration and contact with allergens in cosmetics like lipstick.  The symptoms can affect quality of life especially where eating food is concerned as chapped lips are often very sensitive to the touch.  Fortunately, there are many natural remedies to relieve the symptoms of chapped lips.  Of course, once you relieve the symptoms, you would have won the battle against the pain and the burning associated with very dry lips.
Your lips are chapped because they are dry.  As such, it is imperative to keep them as hydrated as much as possible with the following methods:
- Use cool saltwater compresses daily, preferably before you hit the sack, for about a week.  Just mix one teaspoon of rock salt to a pint of water, soak a washcloth in it and lay over your lips for about 15 minutes.  You should then lock in the moisture by applying a natural lip balm or petroleum jelly.
- Apply either a vegetable oil like tea tree oil or the juice of an aloe vera on your lips.  Remember to dilute the tea tree oil with water.
- Consume more fluids especially water to bring back the moisture in your body, thus, lessening the severity of the chapped lips from the inside.
- Ensure that your home is neither too dry in summer nor too cold in winter.  If possible, use a humidifier during winter.
- Rub a slice of cucumber directly on your lips, which will help in cooling it down and in easing the burning feelings.
The most important thing in treating chapped lips is to counteract what brought it in the first place - lack of moisture.  However, you do not bring back the moisture by constantly licking your lips for obvious reasons.
Protect Your Lips
The next logical step will be to protect your chapped lips from becoming even drier than it already is, of which the following methods can significantly help:
- Use a commercial lip balm with sunscreen in it.  Your lips are easily sunburned, thus, leading to chapped lips so it is only logical to protect it with sunscreen.  However, avoid flavored commercial lip balms because you will lick your lips more often than necessary and, hence, worsen your lip situation.
- Make your own lip balms if you are allergic to the commercial varieties.  Also, it is a good idea to ascertain the reasons for your frequent lip-licking and then avoiding them.  For example, if stress makes you lick your lips more, then manage your stress.
- Avoid lipsticks to which you are allergic to.  Instead, you should opt for hypoallergenic products or avoid them altogether during treatment.
- Use baking soda for brushing your teeth instead of toothpaste since it can dry out your lips.
With these natural remedies on treating your chapped lips, you should be able to pucker up, eat food and say cheese without saying “ouch”.

Natural Remedies For Burns, Constipation and Anxiety

Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is good for sunburns and household burns. Aloe Vera gel soothes and cools the surface of the skin by calming the irritation and heat of the burn. Juice from an Aloe Vera plant possesses natural inflammation fighters known as salicylates. Once the pain and swelling of a burn reduce, the other ingredients in Aloe, like polysaccharides, provoke the body into producing antibodies which speed up the healing process. Studies done with Petri dishes show that fibroblasts (regenerating skin cells) reproduce up to 4 times faster when being treated with Aloe Vera.
To use Aloe Vera, rub into the skin on the affected areas, repeating every couple of hours until the heat and pain start to recede. Aloe Vera tends to dry the skin, so consider using a moisturizer after the Aloe Vera has done its job. When treating a burn, avoid Aloe Vera products that also have alcohol in the ingredients because they will further dry out the skin. The bright green Aloe Vera gels use artificial colors to achieve the green hue, so it’s best to avoid those and opt for the clear products.
Consider keeping an Aloe Vera plant in your kitchen. Cut parts of the plant from the oldest leaves on the bottom in order to avoid stunting the plants growth, and rub the juice from the plant on your burn.
Dr. Schulze’s Intestinal Formula #1
Dr. Schulze’s Intestinal Formula #1 is good for occasional constipation. This product contains 2 varieties of Aloe leaf extracts as its main ingredients, as well as two less-known bowel movement aids, senna leaf and cascara sagrada. Aloe has a long history as a laxative. Plant compounds in Aloe help to stimulate the inner lining of the colon, speeding up the process. Be cautious to follow directions when using this product as overdoing any laxative can lead to diarrhea and dehydration.  Also note that this product is not for daily use.
Aloe works, in this case, by causing slight irritation to the gut, which loosens any stuck material and encouraging the lower bowel to move. Thus, if you have an inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s, avoid Aloe products. Also make sure you are near a bathroom when using this product.
Rescue Remedy
The Rescue Remedy is good for anxiety, panic, and emotional upset. This remedy is a blend of five different flower essences, each of which counters a certain type of stress. Flower remedies are made mainly from wildflowers that are infused in water, then filtered and preserved with equal parts brandy. Many integrative physicians attest to the healing properties of flower remedies.
To combat everyday stresses, place four drops of the remedy on the tongue 3 or 4 times a day, or dilute the drops in a glass of water and sip during the day. To treat acute stress or anxiety, take 4 drops every 20 minutes until the anxiety passes. There are no side effects from using the flower essences.

Remedies for High Blood Pressure: Take Control of Your Life

Today there are a variety of different remedies out there to help you lower your high blood pressure.  Sure, there are medications as well, but many times the natural remedies are options that you may prefer since they are less likely to end up causing side effects.  If you are ready to start taking control of your life, here are a few tips that you’ll want to keep in mind.
Start Eating Differently
If you really want to lower your blood pressure, one of the best remedies out there is to change what you are eating.  Just changing your eating habits a bit can help you to effectively lower your blood pressure.  Start eating more fruits and vegetables and reduce the amount of sodium that is in your diet as well.  Drinking more water and decreasing the caffeine and alcohol in your diet can help as well.  While it may sound a bit tough, you will find that it can really help you to get your blood pressure back under control.
Supplement with Vitamins
Another great remedy for high blood pressure is to start taking some vitamin supplements.  Of course, before you start just taking vitamins on your own, it is probably a great idea to speak with your doctor first to find out what supplements may help you out.  In many cases some potassium and calcium can be very helpful when working to keep blood pressure under control.
Start Exercising
Another great remedy to help you take control of your life and lower your blood pressure is to start exercising.  When you exercise on a regular basis you can help to lose some weight, which helps to lower your blood pressure.  Exercise will also help you to get the blood pumping which works to keep the heart rate regulated and improves cardiovascular health.
Work to Reduce Stress
If you have a high level of stress in your life, you may be having a hard time keeping your blood pressure under control.  Just reducing your stress can help you to lower your blood pressure significantly.  However, it’s not easy to reduce the stress in your life.  Some ways to help you out reduce your stress levels can include meditating, doing yoga, and more.
While these remedies for your blood pressure won’t take it down right away, as you make these changes in your life, over time you’ll begin to see your blood pressure come down.  Start using these remedies so you can get back in control of your life and improve your blood pressure for a healthier life.

Take Control Of Your Life With Natural Remedies

Every year reseachers and scientists worldwide conduct studies to prove that natural remedies can be used to treat a host of health problems ranging from minor aches to serious ailments.
These findings are double checked and proven as effective remedies, yet they are not made pubicly available to allow consumers to make informed and choice based decisions about their healthcare. This guide is not advocating that mainstream medicine is bad or should never be taken. Of course there are times when a health condition is very serious or life-threatening that taking medications become absolutely necessary.
What is being advocated here is that you don’t always have to rely on conventional medicine to solve all health problems. Natural remedies can provide the same solution most of the time, so you should have the choice to opt for a drug-free remedy - where available. It is better to treat any health problem with methods that encourage the body's natural ability to heal and restore its own natural balance.
Suffice to say that it is always wise to find alternative ways of remedying your body without causing adverse effects or adding more health issues from taking certain drugs.
Here you’ll find tons of proven natural remedies that have been compiled for you to use to combat numerous ailments.
HerbsUsing alternative natural remedies to cure various illnesses is not a fad. In fact more and more people are now turning to safe practical healing methods for all sorts of ailments.
Why? because it’s becoming more evident that prescription drugs are now the No. 4 cause of death in the United States alone.
Aside of the humongous cost of this mainstream medicine, sometimes the side effects of these drugs on the body are downright scary and you should not ignore them.
The shocking truth is that hundreds of thousands of Americans die from conventional medicine side effects every year. More than one million Americans are hospitalized due to bad drug reactions every year, and did you know that at least, 25% of prescriptions for the elderly carry potentially life-threatening errors.
Wow! These statistics are enough to make your head spin and think twice before you pop another pill. I know I did - when I found out these facts.
So my question is: Are you concerned or worried about all the drugs you or your loved ones take daily all year round? You should be! But take heart, there is hope for us all because for almost every health problem, there’s now clinically proven natural remedies that can match or beat a lot of mainstream medicine.
At this site, you will find answers for common ailments such as infections, arthritis, aches and pains, allergies, sleep disorders, anxiety and depression, diabetes, stomach disorders, and even how to lower your cholesterol without taking expensive and potentially dangerous drugs.
Remedies From Your KitchenYou will discover that often, you can treat many health problems with items from your own kitchen that has been used successfully for centuries by our ancestors.
For instance, garlic has been known to prevent and treat everything from the common cold to lowering high cholesterol and blood pressure;
Did you also know that ginger has been found to work wonders in the treatment of flu and migraines to the prevention of certain types of cancer?
What about the good old onions? I bet you hate it in your sandwich because you don't want your breath to smell of onions. Yikes! Well, you might want to reconsider and give it a try to get rid of a host of ailments such as coughs, breathing problems and even asthma.
So why don't you come along with me now? Together we will uncover and embrace alternative ways of how to heal your body and give you the longevity you deserve.

Good Health

Good health is not only about not being ill, it is about being happy and feeling whole from a physical, mental and spiritual point of view.
Being healthy is not anymore just about taking medicines when unwell, it means taking care of ourselves to prevent any illnesses and to change our attitude when we need to heal or get better after the illness. Taking care of our health today means doing a lot of things to feel good, from eating the right way to taking vitamins, from exercising to having a job we enjoy.

Holistic care

A few years ago, healthcare professionals such as doctors and nurses used to treat any illness in a fairly standardised way: symptoms were checked against those of a well known condition and there would most certainly be a tablet that we could take to make it all better.
But sure enough, our bodies have a way of letting us know when something is wrong and when we are pushing ourselves too much, and not only in a physical way. We might have a headache because we are very stressed; we take some paracetamol and it goes away, but what brought the headache on in the first place is still there: sooner or later the headache will come back.
Because of the strict relationship between the way we live and our health, healthcare professionals now assess patients in a ‘holistic’ way. This means that not only they will ask about symptoms, but also about lifestyle, work conditions and family life. So it is not just about tablets anymore, it is also about support and understanding us as patients to improve our general health. This is particularly true in long term and ongoing conditions.

A little can be a lot

Diet, exercise, five-a-day, three-a-day, work-life balance: now more than before we can take charge of our health and feel better. Health promotion is a very powerful tool and it is used constantly to remind us that we have the opportunity to make our bodies and our minds feel better. It is no longer the case of spending a few hours in the gym every week, or eating entire meals of vegetables and fruit, or banishing sugar from the kitchen cupboard. Health professionals realised soon enough that by suggesting the gym at all costs or tormenting us with eating greens was not going to get us anywhere healthy soon, so now the focus is different.
We are told to try a little bit every day, and it will eventually pay off: a little exercise, a few portions of fruit and a little sugar (oh yes, because remember that we have to keep the mind happy as well as the body). This new approach seems to be giving better results than the old fashioned one, so it appears it is the way forward. A lot of problems still remain: obesity and binge drinking, to name just two. But health promotion will continue to be the key to teaching everyone how to take care and feel better, in the hope that, eventually, a few initial attempts will become good habits for life.

What + is + Good + Health?

Moderation & Balance --A Key To Good Health
Good health is not just "the absence of disease". It is the absence of dis-ease or discomfort.
"Good Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." - WHO ( World Health Organisation ).
We think we are healthy as long as we progress or decay at the same rate as others around us. Normally unhealthy condition does not develop overnight. Pathological development is always accompanied by warnings.
Our body is a wonderful machine. When something goes wrong it warns us beforehand. We need to pick up the signals.
Each one has a unique biochemistry as well as a unique metabolism. Therefore each individual has different nutritional needs which depend upon his medical history & lifestyle.
Fortunately there are generic ways to keep ourselves healthy. There are many common ways which if followed, can help us remain healthy.
To remain healthy, we need to nourish our body by eating right foods and by avoiding the wrong ones. Deprivation, elimination & counting of calories alone can not nourish our body.
A state of good health means all or body organs are functioning in harmony. Exercise has a number of health benefits but over exercising can cause stress and exhaustion.
Fibre rich food is good to have but too much of fibre prevents absorption of minerals like zinc, calcium & iron causing multiple deficiencies.
Food can heal and restore health in a sick person. Food is an important healing force. One can regard food as a complementary medicine in many circumstances.
There is a difference between hunger and appetite. Hunger is the need for food. But we have an appetite for certain foods only, without being actually hungry.
Hunger is a physical need and an appetite is only psychological and is triggered by temptation.
Role of exercise in our life is also important. With age our bodies become inflexible. It is more out of dis-use than wear and tear. The human body requires a certain minimum level of activity.
Lack of activity or exercise affects muscle movements. As you brush your teeth everyday you have to take time to do exercise.
You can not say that you do not have time to brush your teeth. Exercise could be just brisk walking or some aerobics or going to gymnasium. Do whatever suits you. Either in the morning or in the evening.
Simple walking for 30 minutes a day can work wonders for you to remain healthy.
Our ultimate goal in life is to be happy. We need to watch our emotions and thoughts. Our physical health is influenced by our state of mind.
A negative frame of mind due to anxieties, stress, tensions, deadlines etc reflects on a physical level.
We need to review our ever increasing needs and desires and become more aware of our inner space and practice solitude / silence in order to get inner peace.

The benefits of Prenatal Vitamins Before Pregnancy

Is it really essential to take prenatal vitamins before really being pregnant? The answer is a resounding yes. With in the present day's quick-paced diets, most women don't derive all the nutrition their bodies need - particularly when creating a baby.

It's a good concept to begin taking a very good prenatal vitamin while you are in the planning phases of pregnancy. The principle cause, and doubtless the most important cause, is the ingredient folic acid. Folic acid is extraordinarily essential to assist prevent birth defects - particularly neuro tube defects within the baby. If taken proper before and most positively throughout pregnancy, it should go a long way within the prevention of these birth defects.

It is true that folic acid is in certain foods, similar to orange juice, green leafy vegetables, beans and also is added to a number of today's favorite cereals and enriched grain products. But truly, you still want a supplement to obtain all the folic acid that may benefit the baby.

Ask your care provider about which brand of prenatal vitamin to take. Some will prescribe an excellent prenatal - others will say an over-the-counter brand works just as well. The necessary thing is to make sure it has at the least 400mcg of folic acid in each dose. Most multi-vitamins have at least this much. Most over-the-counter prenatal vitamins have 800mcg of folic acid and the prescribed prenatal has a whopping 1000mcg of folic acid. 1000mcg of folic acid is the highest "safe" amount of folic acid to take per day.

Folic acid is not the one benefit of prenatal vitamins. A superb prenatal vitamin can have a well-rounded quantity of all the essential vitamins and iron wanted to keep up a healthy pregnancy. A number of the prenatal vitamins that can be bought at a health food store will have herbs in them as well. I strongly suggest asking your doctor first earlier than taking any supplement particularly those with added herbs. Other than the nutritional benefit, prenatal vitamins normally help women to have strong healthy nails and hair as well.

Mental Health Providers Should Prescribe Exercise More Often

Exercise is a magic drug for many people with depression and anxiety disorders, and it should be more widely prescribed by mental health care providers, according to American research published in late 2010.
“Exercise has been shown to have tremendous benefits for mental health,” says Jasper Smits, director of the Anxiety Research and Treatment Program at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. “The more therapists who are trained in exercise therapy, the better off patients will be.”
“Individuals who exercise report fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression, and lower levels of stress and anger,” Smits says. “Exercise appears to affect, like an antidepressant, particular neurotransmitter systems in the brain, and it helps patients with depression re-establish positive behaviors. For patients with anxiety disorders, exercise reduces their fears and related bodily sensations such as a racing heart and rapid breathing.”
“Rather than emphasize the long-term health benefits of an exercise program — which can be difficult to sustain — we urge providers to focus with their patients on the immediate benefits,” he says. “After just 25 minutes, your mood improves, you are less stressed, you have more energy — and you’ll be motivated to exercise again tomorrow. A bad mood is no longer a barrier to exercise; it is the very reason to exercise.”
Smits says health care providers who prescribe exercise also must give their patients the tools they need to succeed, such as daily schedules, problem-solving strategies and goal-setting.
“Therapists can help their patients take specific, achievable steps,” he says. “This isn’t about working out five times a week for the next year. It’s about exercising for 20 or 30 minutes and feeling better today.”
We just want to repeat that last bit again, so it really sinks in…  “This isn’t about working out five times a week for the next year. It’s about exercising for 20 or 30 minutes and feeling better today.”
If you’ve got someone in your house that is feeling low, talk to their doctor about what exercise they can do.

Best Foods to Eat for Great Health

Choosing these best foods to eat for great health will help you look younger, feel better, have more energy and stay well. But that's not all.

The great health benefits get even better.

When you eat for health, you strengthen your immunity, stamina and endurance, lose weight, reduce stress and prevent painful diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and Alzheimer's disease.

And, what's more, choosing the best foods to eat for great health can even lower your bad (LDL) cholesterol better than taking stains drugs.

The Best Foods to Eat for Great Health Benefits

You don’t need a degree in nutrition to learn the best foods to eat for health. You can get the nutrients you need every day and achieve great health by just choosing from this list of the best foods to eat and seeing that you eat for health from these nutritious foods on a daily basis.
  • Vegetables: When picking from the vegetable, go for the bright colors with the most vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Choose dark green, orange and red vegetables, like broccoli, kale, carrots, squash, red peppers and tomatoes. And garlic and onions are powerful natural antibiotics that strengthen immunity and help prevent disease.
  •  Fruit: From the fruits, choose whole fresh, frozen or, in limited amounts, naturally dried fruits. Pick berries, oranges, red grapefruit, cantaloupe, apples, apricots, plums and other brightly colored fruit that's low on the  index, rather than canned fruit or fruit juices.
  • Whole Grains: Choose 100% whole wheat or rye breads, crackers and pastas, sprouted grains, brown rice, oatmeal and other whole grain high fiber foods instead of refined grains, like white bread and white rice.
  • Beans, Nuts and Seeds: Beans (legumes), such as lentils, soy beans, garbanzo, and kidney beans are good sources of both protein and fiber. They can be added to salads, home made burritos and soups. Good choices of nuts and seeds are raw, unsalted almonds, walnuts and sunflower seeds. If you’re watching caloried keep portions small.
  • Fats and Oils: Good quality food fat from olive oil, fish oil, beans, whole grains, raw nuts and seeds provide important, healthy fatty acids. Use extra virgin olive oil for salads, stir-frying and baking. Remember, fats are high in calories, so eat sparingly for good weight management.
  • Dairy and Eggs: Choose only healthy fat-free or low-fat dairy products, such as low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese and sour cream. If you drink milk, make sure it's fat-free. And limit your use of butter, cheese and eggs.
  • Fish, Poultry and Meats: Healthy high protin foods are important. Have omega 3 fish, such as salmon, trout or sardines at least twice a week. Also include poultry (without the skin), beans, low-fat dairy, nuts and seeds. If you eat meat, pick lean cuts and limit portion sizes.
  • Water and Other Liquids: Since your body's mostly water and you use and lose about 9 cups of it a day, fluids are essential. And here's the bottom line. Pure water is the healthiest thing to drink. So stick with water, mild herbal teas without caffeine and plain lemon water.
Knowing all the best foods to eat for health is really important.

But to look and feel great and have great health, it's also important to know which unhealthy foods to avoid. To best use this "eat for health" guide, replace the foods Not to eat with the above foods to eat for great health.

Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life.

There are many ways to boost your chances of living a happy, healthy life. More can be added to this list, but, for simplicity's sake, we'll stick with this typically unlucky number.
Instead of bringing misfortune, however, the 13 habits promise a life of vigor and vivacity. There are, of course, no guarantees, but many of the practices mentioned here have been published in scientific journals. Disregard them, and you may well be taking a big gamble with your mental and emotional well-being.

Healthy Habit No. 1: Eat Breakfast Every Morning

Breakfast eaters are champions of good health. Research shows people who have a morning meal tend to take in more vitamins and minerals, and less fat and cholesterol. The result is often a leaner body, lower cholesterol count, and less chance of overeating.
"That one act [of eating breakfast] seems to make a difference in people's overall weight," says Melinda Johnson, RD, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association (ADA). She says breakfast can hold off hunger pangs until lunchtime and make high-calorie vending machine options less enticing.
Not only that, researchers at the 2003 American Heart Association conference reported that breakfast eaters are significantly less likely to be obese and get diabetes compared with nonbreakfast eaters.
Another study in the International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition showed that people who consumed breakfast cereal every day reported feeling better both physically and mentally than those who rarely ate cereal in the morning.
For kids, breakfast appears to enhance alertness, attention, and performance on standardized achievement tests, reports the ADA.
To get the full benefits of breakfast,  recommends a meal with carbohydrates, protein, and a small amount of fat. They say that because no single food gives you all of the nutrients you need, eating a variety of foods is essential to good health.
Yet, even with so much scientific support that breakfast does the body good; many people still make excuses not to eat in the morning. They include not having enough time and not feeling hungry. For these people, Johnson suggests tailoring breakfast to the day.
"When I'm getting ready in the morning, I don't really want to take the time to eat breakfast because that would mean sacrificing sleep," says Johnson. "

Healthy Habit No. 2: Add Fish and Omega-3 Fatty Acids to Your Diet

The AHA recommends a serving of fish two times per week.
Besides being a good source of protein and a food relatively low in the bad type of dietary fat called saturated fat, fish has omega-3 fatty acids -- which have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease.
Fatty fish such as mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna, and salmon, are rich in two kinds of omega-3 fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
Foods such as tofu, soybeans, canola, walnuts, flaxseed, and their oils contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which convert to omega-3 in the body. Even though the benefits of ALA are controversial, the AHA still recommends foods containing it as part of a healthy diet.
In addition to their heart-health benefits, there is some evidence that omega-3 fatty acids may also soothe an overactive immune system, says Johnson. Even though this benefit is still being studied, she says there appears to be a link between getting more omega-3s in your diet and reducing allergies, asthma, eczema, and autoimmune disorders.

Healthy Habit No. 3: Get Enough Sleep

"Your body has to have enough time to rest," says Michael Fleming, MD, president of the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). Otherwise, he says you may find yourself feeling cranky and tired.
This may sound like common sense, but according to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), more than two-thirds of older adults suffer from sleep problems and many American adults don't get the minimum amount of shuteye needed to stay alert.
Sleep is vital to good health and to mental and emotional well-being. The NSF reports that people who don't get enough slumber are more likely than others to develop psychiatric problems and to use health care services. Plus, sleep deprivation can negatively affect memory, learning, and logical reasoning.
Not enough ZZZs can also be hazardous. More than one-half of adult drivers -- some 100 million people -- say they have driven drowsy in the past year, according to NSF polls. About one out of five of these drivers -- 32 million people -- say they've fallen asleep while driving.
Each year drowsy driving causes more than 100,000 car crashes, 1,500 deaths, and tens of thousands of injuries, reports the National Highway  Safety Administration. The NSF recommends taking a 15 to 20 minute nap. Because it takes about 30 minutes for the caffeine to work, taking a nap while you wait for the caffeine to kick in can help restore alertness.
To avoid the pitfalls of insufficient sleep, make sure to get at least seven to 10 hours of slumber each night. Kids need more sleep, depending on their age.

Healthy Habit No. 4: Make Social Connections

Volunteer. Go to church. Join a club. Whatever you do, do it with people. Communal activities are good for your physical and mental health, according to a study published in the March/April 2004 issue of the American Journal of Health Behavior.

  • Providing information. You may think for instance your frequent nosebleeds, coughing, and sneezing episodes are trivial, but when a close friend or relative hears of it, he or she may encourage you to go to a doctor. If the symptoms turn out to be a serious condition, the social tie could have saved your life.
  • Instrumental help. Friends and family can provide physical support in time of need. They may help with cooking, cleaning, running errands, doing grocery shopping, and driving to the doctor's office.
  • Emotional support. Sharing a problem with a trusted person can help alleviate an internal burden. "It's a load off your chest," says Jenkins.
  • Offering a sense of belonging. This feeling not only helps reinforce a person's identity, it also assists in preventing and overcoming depression and anxiety.
Community ties also help improve mental functioning, says Fleming. Group activities can help keep the mind active and maintain desirable levels of serotonin -- the brain chemical associated with mood. "Lack of social interaction will [decrease] serotonin levels," says Fleming.

Healthy Habit No. 5: Exercise for Better Health

We already know that physical activity has a bounty of benefits, which makes it so puzzling why so many people just don't do it. According to the CDC, more than 60% of Americans do not get regular exercise.
In case you needed an incentive, here is a review of the advantages of exercise, per the National Cancer Institute:
  • Helps control weight
  • Maintains healthy bones, muscles, and joints
  • Reduces risk of developing high blood pressure and diabetes
  • Promotes psychological well-being
  • Reduces risk of death from heart disease
  • Reduces risk of premature death
Studies have also shown a link between exercise and a reduced risk of certain cancers.
Besides its long-term effects, moving your body has immediate benefits, says Cedric Bryant, chief exercise physiologist for the American Council on Exercise. The short-term results of exercise include helping people to think and move better, manage stress, improve mood, and get an energy boost.
The excuses that people often give to not exercise are the precise reasons to exercise, says Bryant. People who say they are too tired or don't have time to workout don't realize that exercise gives people more energy and allows them to be more productive with the rest of their time.

Healthy Habit No. 6: Practice Good Dental Hygiene

Flossing your teeth every day could add 6.4 years to your life, according to Michael Roizen, MD, author of RealAge. In his book, Roizen lists flossing as one of the most important daily activities -- along with exercise and quitting smoking -- that could extend life span.
Roizen's calculation may raise some eyebrows, but the idea that oral health is connected to overall health isn't far-fetched.
The mouth, after all, is an integral part of the body. "Teeth have a blood supply, and that blood supply comes from the heart," says Richard Price, DMD, consumer advisor for the American Dental Association (ADA).
Researchers suspect that the bacteria that produce dental plaque enter the bloodstream. They say these bacteria are somehow associated with the inflammation that occurs with plaque that blocks blood vessels and causes heart disease.
Other researchers have found links between oral bacteria and stroke, diabetes, and the birth of preterm babies and those that have low birth weight.
In addition to preventing disease, flossing and brushing can help keep your pearly whites intact for more than just  reasons. Teeth help you chew food, speak properly, and smile -- which, according to Price, can help you keep your dignity.

Healthy Habit No. 7: Take Up a Hobby

Look up the word "hobby" in the Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, and you will find the definition as "a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation."
Since they are relaxing activities, hobbies are usually enjoyable. Some people find joy in craftwork, bird watching, sports, going to flea markets, walking in the park, or playing cards.
The joy may help people live healthier and recover better from illness. For one thing, taking part in hobbies can burn calories, more so than just sitting in front of the TV.
In a study of people who had undergone surgery, Jenkins found that people who were involved in hobbies before their operation had better recovery six months later, compared with people who did not have hobbies.
The participants with hobbies tended to have more drive and interest in things and other people, says Jenkins. "It was a more active orientation to life."

Healthy Habit No. 8: Protect Your Skin

Our skin starts to age as soon as we are born and, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), the best way to protect it and look younger is to stay out of the sun.
The sun has harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays that can cause wrinkles, dryness, and age spots. Overexposure can cause sunburn, skin texture changes, dilated blood vessels, and skin cancers.
Avoiding the sun, however, is not always ideal or practical. To reduce the risk of skin damage, the AAD offers the following tips:
  • Always wear sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher.
  • Don a hat with a brim and wear other protective clothing.
  • Don't deliberately sunbathe.
  • Try to avoid sun exposure between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Healthy Habit No. 9: Snack the Healthy Way

The ADA recommends five or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day as part of a healthy diet. These plant foods can do many things to boost good health, including:
  • Reduce the risk of some cancers
  • Beat the signs of aging
  • Improve memory
  • Promote heart health
  • Enhance the immune system
One way to incorporate fruits and veggies into your diet is to have them as snacks. "If you can do one thing [to improve your health], concentrate on getting fruits and veggies," says Johnson. "They are low in calories and high in nutrients."
She says baby carrots and cut-up produce make tasty, convenient munchies. Other healthful snacks include low-fat yogurt and nuts (in moderation).
The best time to snack is when you are hungry between meals, says Johnson. But beware: Cravings could easily be mistaken for hunger cues, especially for people who are dieting.

Healthy Habit No. 10: Drink Water and Eat Dairy

Water and milk are essential fluids for good health, but they can also help with shedding pounds.
The body needs water to keep properly hydrated and individuals vary widely in how much water they need. Joints need it to stay in motion, and vital organs such as the heart, brain, kidney, and liver need it to work properly.
If you don't get enough water, the body goes into emergency mode, and clings to every single water molecule it can find, reports the University of Minnesota Water Resources Center. The stored molecules appear as extra weight. The weight is only released once the body gets enough water.
The calcium in dairy, on the other hand, is known to be important for strong bones and teeth. Studies have also shown it can help prevent high blood pressure, kidney stones, heart disease, and colon cancer.
In the weight loss arena, three 8-ounce glasses of low-fat or fat-free milk appear to encourage body fat loss while maintaining muscle mass, according to the ADA. The dairy consumption must be part of a balanced reduced-calorie meal plan.

Healthy Habit No. 11: Drink Tea

"Decaffeinated tea is better," says Fleming, noting that the caffeinated variety can be dehydrating, and sugary drinks can lead to weight gain.
There is some evidence that tea may help in improving memory, and preventing cavities, cancer, and heart disease. Fleming says, though, that the overall research is still inconclusive.
"There may well be some beneficial effects of tea, particularly the potential antioxidant effect, but we don't have great data on that right now that is that specific."
However, there's no doubt that a cool iced tea can be a refreshing treat during hot days. Try flavoring your tea with juices, fruits, cinnamon sticks, ginger, and other condiments.

Healthy Habit No. 12: Take a Daily Walk

We already mentioned the merits of exercise in habit No. 5. Now, here's a tip on how to incorporate physical activity into your daily life: WALK.
We're not talking about taking the time out of your busy schedule to work out -- that's important, too -- but infusing life- and limb-saving movement into your waking hours.
"Just move. Pace during phone calls, while you're brushing your teeth, while watching your son's soccer game," says Bryant, noting that every 20 steps a person takes is 1 calorie burned.
An eight-year study of 13,000 people also showed that people who walked 30 minutes daily had a significantly reduced chance of premature death compared with those who rarely exercised, reports the American Council on Exercise.
And there are plenty of opportunities to move those legs:
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Walk to the store.
  • Window shop at the mall.
  • Leave your desk and visit your co-worker instead of sending him an email.
  • Walk and talk with friends instead of meeting for a meal.

Healthy Habit No. 13: Plan

There is, perhaps, no better word in the English language to better illustrate how you can incorporate healthy habits into your everyday life.
"A little planning goes a long way," says Johnson. "Eating healthy never happens by accident."
For the most part, neither do good fitness, skin protection, healthy teeth, weight loss, and social ties. Many of these habits take effort that need to be scheduled into busy lives.
To eat healthy, for example, it would help to set aside time to draft a menu, make a grocery list, go to the store, prepare meals, and pack breakfast and lunch.